A Priceline Convert!

New York Times Square, originally uploaded by coming2cambodia.

Okay, I promised yesterday, that I would blog about non-earthquake related moments.

I am going to blog about my priceline epiphany. I am also going to blog about a quick trip S and I made up to New York. Sometimes, I hate blogging about stuff like this because it posts on my facebook page. I don’t want all my New York friends to feel unloved because I didn’t call them or see them— the truth is that we were there for such a short time we practically saw no one. Plus, the first day of the trip was for me– thus we spent it at Aunt Rita’s 80th birthday party. The second day was for Seba and thus we spent it at libraries, museums and touristy things. Perhaps I will blog more about the touristy stuff in the future.

For now, I want to mention Priceline. Dan, of the great insight into car buying, loves Priceline. I had never successfully used it. However, we did for hotels for this trip. Three different hotels, three different nights. One near the airport so we could set off with my parents to Westchester to see Rita. Second in Westchester. Third, and this was the winner, we got one night in Manhattan. For 39% the price of a room regularly, we stayed at the Millennium on Broadway. The above is the view from our window. We had a view of Times Square people. Seba says that the deal we got should not have been my favorite part of the trip. But, I should be honest, it might have been.


  1. Wow. So Just a few days ago I was right where you snapped that picture.

    I did priceline one year when I flew to Germany spur of the moment and got a ticket for $500. Pretty cheap. Amazing. I’ve never been that lucky since.

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